Now All Together: the 70th Anniversary Iwo Jima Flag Raising

On the 70th anniversary of the historic flag raising, uncover the myths, history, and significance of one of the most iconic and powerful photographs of WWII. Students learn about the importance of the battle for Iwo Jima and how the flag raising occurred not just once, but twice atop Mount Suribachi. Hear first-hand accounts of survival and heroism from Marines who participated in the bloody 5-week battle and even a photographer who witnessed those dramatic few seconds that would turn into the most inspiring image of the war. Students also travel to the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Virginia to explore some of their most important artifacts, the flags from Mt. Suribachi, and learn about their mission share the stories of the Marine Corps on Iwo Jima for many generations to come.
Lookin for Spanish captions? Check out the Museum’s distance learning YouTube playlist and toggle on Spanish captions. Spanish captions are made possible through generous support from Pan-American Life Insurance Group.