The Monuments Men: Saving Europe’s Cultural Treasures

Rembrandt. Vermeer. daVinci. Raphael. Some of the most famous works of art by the most renowned European artists and architects would not be here today without the efforts of the Monuments Men during WWII. In anticipation of the release of Sony Picture’s The Monuments Men, starring George Clooney, Matt Damon and Cate Blanchett on February 7, 2014, join Museum Trustee and author Robert Edsel as he discusses his book-turned-major motion picture. Explore how a small group of forgotten men and women rescued some of the most important art, artifacts and monuments from Nazi looting and ultimate destruction as they embarked on “the greatest treasure hunt of all time.” Edsel will impart the importance of the Monuments Men mission and work, both during the war and today.
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