WWII Innovation and Problem Solving Student Webinar
The bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 pulled the United States into WWII—a war it was not completely prepared for. But less than 4 years later we and our allies had won, with the US forces contributing to victory. American industry championed STEM innovation and production, making equipment and materials that helped win the war, in spite of huge challenges. As we face today's quandaries, what can we learn about problem solving from World War II?
In this webinar, students answer this question and learn how WWII problem-solvers modified existing innovations for the war effort by exploring some of the Museum’s coolest and biggest macro artifacts. STEM Specialist Rob Wallace and Distance Learning Specialist Shelbie Johnson guide students through an inquiry-based Museum tour to uncover how WWII innovators used the "adopt, adapt, and apply" technique to modify technologies for use during the war.
Perfect for students in grades 5-8.
Looking for Spanish captions? Check out the Museum’s distance learning YouTube playlist and toggle on Spanish captions. Spanish captions are made possible through generous support from Pan-American Life Insurance Group.