When it was available, beer was a welcome treat for troops in warm climates. Recreation islands, such as MogMog in the Ulithis even featured coconut grove beer gardens and officer’s taverns to help troops relax and have a cold one. Here are a few beer-related items from our collections.

Officers from the USS Rutland enjoy cold beer on Ulithi in May 1945. From donor's notes: "Comm. [Commander] Hutton, Etc. at Recreation Island." 1945. Gift of Paulette Stewart, 2002.157.118

This beer pass issued to Seabee James Cumbie, 62nd Naval Construction Battalion while he was serving the Pacific. Gift of in memory of James Terrel Cumbie, Jr., 2002.124.003
And lastly, a pretty unique item to save for 75 years, this can of Hudepol Pure Lager with the beer still in the can. It was saved by Staff Sgt. Robert Schumar who served with the 182nd Infantry Regiment.

Items from the service of Staff Sgt. Robert Schumar, 182nd Infantry Regiment. Can of Hudepohl beer issued to troops. Gift of Nancy Shoemig, 2012. 275.001.
Toni M. Kiser
Toni is a graduate of the George Washington University’s Masters in Museum Studies Program and the author of Loyal Forces: American Animals in WWII and the co-editor of Museum Registration Methods, 6th Edition.