Forrest artwork featuring green and orange trees, birds and deer

All Around the World: Exploring the Ecosystems of World War II

November 5 at 12 p.m. (CT)


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Please take one minute to fill out this quick 6 question survey to let us know what you thought about our first interactive video, All Around the World. Your answers will help us create more content in the future that fits the needs of our teachers and students.

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Join us HERE for an interactive video all about the ecosystems of WWII! Students can choose which ecosystems to explore and show their learning through interactive content, like matching slides or clicking on an answer. On November 5, the link to the interactive video will be made available on this webpage. This interactive video will be FREE, and no registration is required. 

World War II truly was a world war and was fought all across the globe. In this interactive video, we will explore 3 different ecosystems similar to those that soldiers had to face during the war: desert mountains; subtropical swamps; and rocky, sandy beaches. We’ll learn about the physical characteristics of these ecosystems and how they influence what plants and animals can survive there. Just like the plants and animals adapted to those landscapes, soldiers in World War II had to adapt in similar ways. The National WWII Museum will be joined by educators from LOOP NOLA and Museum of Science, Boston. Appropriate for grades 3-5. Note: for optimal viewing experience, we recommend accessing these programs on a desktop computer, laptop, or tablet device.

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For any questions, email Lea Schram von Haupt at