The National WWII Museum strives to help teachers explore the history and lessons of World War II with their students. Using an object-based learning experience, educational technology, and its world-class exhibits, artifacts, archives, and oral histories, the Museum takes history beyond the pages of textbooks and into the hands of curious students.
Recently, one teacher used Museum resources related to WWII propaganda posters to take a lesson a step further by turning it into a hands-on, student-created art project. Andrew Bouska and Nick Nelson, teachers at Ankeny High School in Ankeny, Iowa, showed examples of WWII Allied propaganda posters to his students before challenging them to design posters using their own original ideas and slogans. Bouska mailed copies of his student’s artwork, several examples of which are presented here.
The National WWII Museum always loves to see how teachers and students are using its lesson plans, resources, and materials. If you are using WWII history in your classroom in unique and exciting ways, please email us so that we can share your good work in making history come alive:
Among the participating artists: Kassidy Adams, Kiana Baccam, Joya Cleven, Hallie Evans, Carly McCoy, Riley Owen, Samantha Parr, Katelyn Schaeffer, Maddi Schulte, Alyssa Smith, and Bre Steim.