Whether your American Legion post was chartered in 1919 or 1991, it has a story. Behind every namesake, there was a man or woman who made an important contribution or sacrifice. In times of tragedy, triumph and troop support, your post has stepped up and proudly served, helped others and left a mark that will not be forgotten. The 100th anniversary of The American Legion is not only an opportunity to look back on all your post has achieved. It is also the perfect time to chart a course for the second century. New generations of veterans depend on the kind of vision shared and expressed by the World War I-era founders.
Now, for the first time ever, The American Legion, in alliance with The National WWII Museum in New Orleans, is offering Legionnaires the opportunity to travel to France to celebrate our 100th birthday. Visit the famous American Legion Paris Post #1, stand where the World War I armistice was signed in Compiègne, walk on Omaha Beach, and honor the sacrifices of those who served before us in World War I and World War II. We invite you to participate, celebrate, commemorate, and learn what it means to be a Legionnaire by experiencing where it all started.