Veteran Information V1

Your request must contain certain basic information for us to locate the service records of the veteran you would like researched.

To the best of your knowledge, please answer the following:

All requests must be signed and dated by the individual requesting the research.

For the Plus and Premier packages, I understand that historians will research reliable sources for all information that may be pertinent to the veteran. After that, they will:
·        Process the findings
·        Interpret each document
·        Correlate the details
·        Evaluate the body of evidence
·        Seek out new findings based on information found in archives
·        Resolve to the best of their abilities any factual discrepancies, then produce a written narrative about the veteran’s time in the military
Every reasonable effort will be made to find information about your veteran. Databases with digitized materials are updated every day, so new information may emerge to support, question, or disprove the prepared narrative.