Normandy Academy is an educational journey that challenges students to learn from the choices made before and during the historic D-Day landings.
Starting in New Orleans at The National WWII Museum, students get an up-close view of the weapons, gear, and materials used in Normandy. Hold an American M1 and a German MG 42 and climb inside a Sherman Tank. Review the specifications of the Higgins Boats that were crucial to the landing operations and hear from WWII veterans while touring the Museum’s immersive exhibits.
Following the New Orleans experience, continue to Normandy for the most immersive and in-depth tour specifically designed for students. Visit private chateaus that were turned into Nazi headquarters and living space for German officers. Walk on all five landing beaches and hear the stories of the heroic men who rallied the troops and pushed the Allied forces inland. Witness the rebuilding that saved historic cities such as Caen, St. Lo, and Falaise. Traverse the Falaise Gap, including the infamous “Corridor of Death,” where the Battle of Normandy was reduced to one farm lane that the German Army used to flee a closing encirclement.
Along the way, students will be asked to examine, analyze, and evaluate the decisions made during the campaign. Which bridges should be taken? Were the paratroopers used effectively? What altitudes and flight paths should the bombers take? The discussions prompted by these questions are critical in the development of each student’s academic, citizenship, and leadership potential.