945 Magazine St, New Orleans, LA 70130
Ecosystems of the Pontchartrain Basin:
Discovering Diverse Landscapes in Southern Louisiana
The National WWII Museum is partnering with the Pontchartrain Conservancy for Scout Week 2021. Tune in for a live broadcast of the educator-led session, Ecosystems of the Pontchartrain Basin.
During World War II, troops traversed many diverse landscapes across the globe. To best prepare for surviving these different areas, they had to learn how to differentiate between and properly identify what they were encountering. Discover the diverse landscapes of Southern Louisiana with us! What is the difference between a saline, brackish, and freshwater marsh? Would you find a raccoon in a brackish marsh? In this virtual lab, participants will create model ecosystems, compare and contrast two ecosystems, and discover the consequences of the loss of a species for an ecosystem.
Please visit https://scienceforourcoast.org/pc-programs/education/community-programs/ for more information.