Louisiana Memorial Pavilion Bricks
Example Coordinates: B97,14
Look for Section B / Row 97 / Column 14
Magazine Street Bricks
North of Andrew Higgins Boulevard
Example Coordinates: NP22,5
Look for Section NP / Row 22 / Column 5
Magazine Street Bricks
Andrew Higgins Boulevard to Poeyfarre Street
Example Coordinates: HIG12,5
Look for Section HIG / Row 12 / Column 5
Magazine Street Bricks
Andrew Higgins Boulevard to Calliope
Example Coordinates: NK16,10
Look for Section NK / Row 16 / Column 10
Andrew Higgins Boulevard Bricks
Camp Street to Horatio Alger Association Spirit Bridge
Example Coordinates: AHV(3)22,5
Look for Section AHV(3) / Row 22 / Column 5
Andrew Higgins Boulevard Bricks
Horatio Alger Association Spirit Bridge to Magazine Street
Example Coordinates: AHAG25,19
Look for Section AHAG / Row 25 / Column 19
Campaigns of Courage Bricks
Example Coordinates: N12,6
Look for Section N / Row 12 / Column 6