Lunchbox Lecture: Jeremy Black

The prolific author and historian is joined in conversation by the Museum's Rob Citino. The topic: "Why the Allies won." 

A prolific lecturer and writer—and author of more than 100 books—Jeremy Black, PhD, was joined by the Museum’s Rob Citino, PhD, for a special Lunchbox Lecture discussion in BB's Stage Door Canteen built around the theme “Why the Allies won.” 

A Professor of History at the University of Exeter, Black has written books that explore aspects of 18th century British, European, and American political, diplomatic, and military history, as well as the history of the press, cartography, warfare, culture, and on the nature and uses of history itself.

Citino is the Executive Director of the Institute for the Study of War and Democracy and the Samuel Zemurray Stone Senior Historian at The National WWII Museum.

“There is a central issue when you’re looking at war,” Black said. “If you’re trying to win a war, you’ve got to move from output to outcome. Now, most people who write the sort of rubbishy books you see in airports on war only ever focus on output. Output is killing people, capturing territory. It’s important. It’s very important. But actually the key thing is outcome. It’s forcing, intimidating, compelling your opponent to stop fighting.” 

Watch the full presentation, a unique opportunity to hear from two of the world’s leading military historians, below. Visit the Museum's online calendar and plan to attend an upcoming public program.