WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en Style: ::cue(c.colorCCCCCC) { color: rgb(204,204,204); } ::cue(c.colorE5E5E5) { color: rgb(229,229,229); } ## 00:00:00.030 --> 00:00:02.720 align:start position:0% now<00:00:00.570> let's<00:00:00.870> pause<00:00:01.260> for<00:00:01.589> a<00:00:01.650> second<00:00:02.190> and<00:00:02.370> take<00:00:02.700> a 00:00:02.720 --> 00:00:02.730 align:start position:0% now let's pause for a second and take a 00:00:02.730 --> 00:00:06.349 align:start position:0% now let's pause for a second and take a look<00:00:03.179> right<00:00:03.840> up<00:00:04.080> above<00:00:04.230> us<00:00:04.620> here<00:00:04.819> we<00:00:05.819> actually 00:00:06.349 --> 00:00:06.359 align:start position:0% look right up above us here we actually 00:00:06.359 --> 00:00:08.830 align:start position:0% look right up above us here we actually have<00:00:06.480> a<00:00:06.509> very<00:00:06.870> important<00:00:07.379> artifact<00:00:07.890> this<00:00:08.490> is<00:00:08.670> a 00:00:08.830 --> 00:00:08.840 align:start position:0% have a very important artifact this is a 00:00:08.840 --> 00:00:10.879 align:start position:0% have a very important artifact this is a p-51<00:00:09.840> Mustang 00:00:10.879 --> 00:00:10.889 align:start position:0% p-51 Mustang 00:00:10.889 --> 00:00:13.129 align:start position:0% p-51 Mustang it's<00:00:11.219> a<00:00:11.450> high-performing<00:00:12.450> high-altitude 00:00:13.129 --> 00:00:13.139 align:start position:0% it's a high-performing high-altitude 00:00:13.139 --> 00:00:16.730 align:start position:0% it's a high-performing high-altitude fighter<00:00:14.070> plane<00:00:14.870> mazzani<00:00:15.870> what<00:00:16.410> do<00:00:16.470> you<00:00:16.560> notice 00:00:16.730 --> 00:00:16.740 align:start position:0% fighter plane mazzani what do you notice 00:00:16.740 --> 00:00:19.340 align:start position:0% fighter plane mazzani what do you notice about<00:00:16.980> this<00:00:17.250> plane<00:00:17.580> um<00:00:18.359> what<00:00:18.750> I<00:00:18.779> notice<00:00:19.199> is 00:00:19.340 --> 00:00:19.350 align:start position:0% about this plane um what I notice is 00:00:19.350 --> 00:00:21.320 align:start position:0% about this plane um what I notice is that<00:00:19.380> like<00:00:19.890> aside<00:00:20.490> from<00:00:20.760> the<00:00:20.910> rest<00:00:21.119> of<00:00:21.210> the 00:00:21.320 --> 00:00:21.330 align:start position:0% that like aside from the rest of the 00:00:21.330 --> 00:00:24.590 align:start position:0% that like aside from the rest of the planes<00:00:21.630> this<00:00:21.930> one<00:00:22.109> has<00:00:22.350> like<00:00:22.619> a<00:00:22.920> red<00:00:23.279> tail<00:00:23.699> and 00:00:24.590 --> 00:00:24.600 align:start position:0% planes this one has like a red tail and 00:00:24.600 --> 00:00:26.179 align:start position:0% planes this one has like a red tail and it<00:00:24.840> adds<00:00:24.960> like<00:00:25.050> different<00:00:25.619> accents<00:00:26.070> of<00:00:26.130> red 00:00:26.179 --> 00:00:26.189 align:start position:0% it adds like different accents of red 00:00:26.189 --> 00:00:30.259 align:start position:0% it adds like different accents of red and<00:00:26.760> yellow<00:00:26.970> on<00:00:27.779> it<00:00:28.470> but<00:00:29.310> it<00:00:29.400> also<00:00:29.550> has<00:00:30.029> the 00:00:30.259 --> 00:00:30.269 align:start position:0% and yellow on it but it also has the 00:00:30.269 --> 00:00:34.790 align:start position:0% and yellow on it but it also has the same<00:00:31.399> stars<00:00:32.399> as<00:00:32.790> the<00:00:33.000> rest<00:00:33.180> of<00:00:33.450> them<00:00:33.630> it's<00:00:34.469> very 00:00:34.790 --> 00:00:34.800 align:start position:0% same stars as the rest of them it's very 00:00:34.800 --> 00:00:37.790 align:start position:0% same stars as the rest of them it's very good<00:00:34.980> observation<00:00:35.510> now<00:00:36.510> that<00:00:36.750> red<00:00:37.110> paint<00:00:37.410> job 00:00:37.790 --> 00:00:37.800 align:start position:0% good observation now that red paint job 00:00:37.800 --> 00:00:40.459 align:start position:0% good observation now that red paint job on<00:00:38.040> the<00:00:38.219> tail<00:00:38.489> that<00:00:39.239> got<00:00:39.570> the<00:00:39.780> Tuskegee<00:00:40.440> Airmen 00:00:40.459 --> 00:00:40.469 align:start position:0% on the tail that got the Tuskegee Airmen 00:00:40.469 --> 00:00:44.240 align:start position:0% on the tail that got the Tuskegee Airmen the<00:00:40.890> nickname<00:00:41.489> the<00:00:42.059> red-tailed<00:00:42.780> angels<00:00:43.649> the 00:00:44.240 --> 00:00:44.250 align:start position:0% the nickname the red-tailed angels the 00:00:44.250 --> 00:00:47.209 align:start position:0% the nickname the red-tailed angels the bomber<00:00:44.550> pilots<00:00:45.210> they<00:00:45.420> would<00:00:45.600> escort<00:00:46.230> actually 00:00:47.209 --> 00:00:47.219 align:start position:0% bomber pilots they would escort actually 00:00:47.219 --> 00:00:49.639 align:start position:0% bomber pilots they would escort actually were<00:00:47.370> so<00:00:47.700> happy<00:00:48.030> and<00:00:48.539> thankful<00:00:48.960> for<00:00:49.170> the<00:00:49.440> job 00:00:49.639 --> 00:00:49.649 align:start position:0% were so happy and thankful for the job 00:00:49.649 --> 00:00:51.529 align:start position:0% were so happy and thankful for the job that<00:00:49.680> they<00:00:49.950> did<00:00:50.190> they<00:00:50.760> referred<00:00:51.120> to<00:00:51.149> them<00:00:51.510> as 00:00:51.529 --> 00:00:51.539 align:start position:0% that they did they referred to them as 00:00:51.539 --> 00:00:54.470 align:start position:0% that they did they referred to them as the<00:00:51.840> red-tailed<00:00:52.260> angels<00:00:52.829> and<00:00:53.129> on<00:00:53.820> this<00:00:54.059> plane 00:00:54.470 --> 00:00:54.480 align:start position:0% the red-tailed angels and on this plane 00:00:54.480 --> 00:00:56.180 align:start position:0% the red-tailed angels and on this plane you'll<00:00:54.870> actually<00:00:55.079> notice<00:00:55.530> that<00:00:55.890> there's<00:00:56.100> a 00:00:56.180 --> 00:00:56.190 align:start position:0% you'll actually notice that there's a 00:00:56.190 --> 00:00:58.819 align:start position:0% you'll actually notice that there's a name<00:00:56.460> painted<00:00:56.910> on<00:00:57.030> the<00:00:57.210> side<00:00:57.449> the<00:00:58.170> name<00:00:58.410> is 00:00:58.819 --> 00:00:58.829 align:start position:0% name painted on the side the name is 00:00:58.829 --> 00:01:02.000 align:start position:0% name painted on the side the name is bunny<00:00:59.340> this<00:01:00.239> plane<00:01:00.629> is<00:01:01.050> painted<00:01:01.649> in<00:01:01.859> the 00:01:02.000 --> 00:01:02.010 align:start position:0% bunny this plane is painted in the 00:01:02.010 --> 00:01:04.579 align:start position:0% bunny this plane is painted in the likeness<00:01:02.250> of<00:01:02.520> dr.<00:01:03.239> Roscoe<00:01:03.780> brown<00:01:03.809> splain 00:01:04.579 --> 00:01:04.589 align:start position:0% likeness of dr. Roscoe brown splain 00:01:04.589 --> 00:01:07.370 align:start position:0% likeness of dr. Roscoe brown splain which<00:01:05.189> had<00:01:05.430> the<00:01:05.610> name<00:01:05.820> bunny<00:01:06.210> and<00:01:06.600> there's<00:01:07.110> one 00:01:07.370 --> 00:01:07.380 align:start position:0% which had the name bunny and there's one 00:01:07.380 --> 00:01:09.649 align:start position:0% which had the name bunny and there's one other<00:01:07.560> thing<00:01:07.950> on<00:01:08.070> this<00:01:08.310> plane<00:01:08.610> you'll<00:01:09.240> notice 00:01:09.649 --> 00:01:09.659 align:start position:0% other thing on this plane you'll notice 00:01:09.659 --> 00:01:12.710 align:start position:0% other thing on this plane you'll notice a<00:01:09.869> Nazi<00:01:10.350> flag<00:01:10.650> on<00:01:10.920> the<00:01:11.070> side<00:01:11.250> that<00:01:11.720> indicates 00:01:12.710 --> 00:01:12.720 align:start position:0% a Nazi flag on the side that indicates 00:01:12.720 --> 00:01:16.399 align:start position:0% a Nazi flag on the side that indicates that<00:01:13.260> bunny<00:01:13.619> shot<00:01:14.100> down<00:01:14.430> a<00:01:14.790> Nazi<00:01:15.540> jet<00:01:15.869> that 00:01:16.399 --> 00:01:16.409 align:start position:0% that bunny shot down a Nazi jet that 00:01:16.409 --> 00:01:18.469 align:start position:0% that bunny shot down a Nazi jet that flew<00:01:16.830> over<00:01:16.860> a<00:01:17.369> hundred<00:01:17.880> miles<00:01:18.060> per<00:01:18.330> hour 00:01:18.469 --> 00:01:18.479 align:start position:0% flew over a hundred miles per hour 00:01:18.479 --> 00:01:21.859 align:start position:0% flew over a hundred miles per hour faster<00:01:19.290> than<00:01:19.830> this<00:01:20.009> plane<00:01:20.369> flew<00:01:20.729> did<00:01:21.420> you<00:01:21.509> fly 00:01:21.859 --> 00:01:21.869 align:start position:0% faster than this plane flew did you fly 00:01:21.869 --> 00:01:25.880 align:start position:0% faster than this plane flew did you fly a<00:01:21.900> plane<00:01:22.200> like<00:01:22.500> this<00:01:22.680> one<00:01:23.009> yes<00:01:23.939> I<00:01:24.150> did<00:01:24.390> and<00:01:25.049> I 00:01:25.880 --> 00:01:25.890 align:start position:0% a plane like this one yes I did and I 00:01:25.890 --> 00:01:28.910 align:start position:0% a plane like this one yes I did and I ended<00:01:26.130> up<00:01:26.250> flying<00:01:27.140> 21<00:01:28.140> combat<00:01:28.560> missions 00:01:28.910 --> 00:01:28.920 align:start position:0% ended up flying 21 combat missions 00:01:28.920 --> 00:01:32.810 align:start position:0% ended up flying 21 combat missions overseas<00:01:29.220> in<00:01:29.700> March<00:01:30.509> in<00:01:30.689> April<00:01:30.960> of<00:01:30.990> 1945<00:01:31.710> I<00:01:32.220> was 00:01:32.810 --> 00:01:32.820 align:start position:0% overseas in March in April of 1945 I was 00:01:32.820 --> 00:01:35.749 align:start position:0% overseas in March in April of 1945 I was 19<00:01:33.210> years<00:01:33.390> old<00:01:33.600> at<00:01:33.840> the<00:01:33.960> time<00:01:34.220> the<00:01:35.220> war<00:01:35.369> ended 00:01:35.749 --> 00:01:35.759 align:start position:0% 19 years old at the time the war ended 00:01:35.759 --> 00:01:39.080 align:start position:0% 19 years old at the time the war ended in<00:01:35.880> March<00:01:36.210> and<00:01:36.810> May<00:01:37.020> of<00:01:37.170> 1945<00:01:38.009> and<00:01:38.490> it<00:01:38.970> was<00:01:39.060> a 00:01:39.080 --> 00:01:39.090 align:start position:0% in March and May of 1945 and it was a 00:01:39.090 --> 00:01:41.330 align:start position:0% in March and May of 1945 and it was a beautiful<00:01:39.540> airplane<00:01:39.720> I<00:01:40.229> can<00:01:40.860> say<00:01:40.950> I<00:01:40.979> had<00:01:41.189> my 00:01:41.330 --> 00:01:41.340 align:start position:0% beautiful airplane I can say I had my 00:01:41.340 --> 00:01:47.240 align:start position:0% beautiful airplane I can say I had my rolls-royce<00:01:41.579> sake<00:01:42.619> at<00:01:43.619> age<00:01:44.159> of<00:01:44.369> 19<00:01:46.130> could<00:01:47.130> you 00:01:47.240 --> 00:01:47.250 align:start position:0% rolls-royce sake at age of 19 could you 00:01:47.250 --> 00:01:49.069 align:start position:0% rolls-royce sake at age of 19 could you just<00:01:47.460> describe<00:01:47.850> what<00:01:48.240> it<00:01:48.360> was<00:01:48.390> like<00:01:48.540> for<00:01:49.020> you 00:01:49.069 --> 00:01:49.079 align:start position:0% just describe what it was like for you 00:01:49.079 --> 00:01:51.350 align:start position:0% just describe what it was like for you to<00:01:49.500> like<00:01:49.680> fly<00:01:50.040> in<00:01:50.250> a<00:01:50.310> plane<00:01:50.549> like<00:01:50.579> this<00:01:50.970> during 00:01:51.350 --> 00:01:51.360 align:start position:0% to like fly in a plane like this during 00:01:51.360 --> 00:01:53.300 align:start position:0% to like fly in a plane like this during that<00:01:51.479> time<00:01:51.689> well<00:01:52.140> it<00:01:52.229> was<00:01:52.350> our<00:01:52.470> world's<00:01:53.009> second 00:01:53.300 --> 00:01:53.310 align:start position:0% that time well it was our world's second 00:01:53.310 --> 00:01:56.359 align:start position:0% that time well it was our world's second lieutenant<00:01:53.790> flying<00:01:54.000> a<00:01:54.180> p-51<00:01:54.540> Mustang<00:01:55.369> most 00:01:56.359 --> 00:01:56.369 align:start position:0% lieutenant flying a p-51 Mustang most 00:01:56.369 --> 00:01:58.190 align:start position:0% lieutenant flying a p-51 Mustang most people<00:01:56.640> consider<00:01:57.000> that<00:01:57.090> the<00:01:57.360> best<00:01:57.540> airplane 00:01:58.190 --> 00:01:58.200 align:start position:0% people consider that the best airplane 00:01:58.200 --> 00:01:58.950 align:start position:0% people consider that the best airplane in<00:01:58.380> World<00:01:58.619> War 00:01:58.950 --> 00:01:58.960 align:start position:0% in World War 00:01:58.960 --> 00:02:03.110 align:start position:0% in World War and<00:01:59.830> was<00:02:00.010> fast<00:02:00.450> responsive<00:02:01.450> and<00:02:01.720> whatnot<00:02:02.140> and 00:02:03.110 --> 00:02:03.120 align:start position:0% and was fast responsive and whatnot and 00:02:03.120 --> 00:02:04.920 align:start position:0% and was fast responsive and whatnot and flying<00:02:04.120> formation 00:02:04.920 --> 00:02:04.930 align:start position:0% flying formation 00:02:04.930 --> 00:02:06.750 align:start position:0% flying formation I<00:02:04.960> usually<00:02:05.410> flew<00:02:05.680> as<00:02:05.830> a<00:02:05.860> wingman<00:02:06.250> over<00:02:06.580> there 00:02:06.750 --> 00:02:06.760 align:start position:0% I usually flew as a wingman over there 00:02:06.760 --> 00:02:09.540 align:start position:0% I usually flew as a wingman over there and<00:02:07.030> I<00:02:07.390> was<00:02:07.510> a<00:02:07.570> second<00:02:07.900> lieutenant<00:02:08.160> but<00:02:09.160> also 00:02:09.540 --> 00:02:09.550 align:start position:0% and I was a second lieutenant but also 00:02:09.550 --> 00:02:13.200 align:start position:0% and I was a second lieutenant but also we<00:02:10.000> did<00:02:10.300> a<00:02:10.330> lot<00:02:10.539> of<00:02:10.570> strafing<00:02:11.850> if<00:02:12.850> we<00:02:13.030> weren't 00:02:13.200 --> 00:02:13.210 align:start position:0% we did a lot of strafing if we weren't 00:02:13.210 --> 00:02:15.390 align:start position:0% we did a lot of strafing if we weren't escorting<00:02:13.930> bombers<00:02:14.290> we'd<00:02:14.920> go<00:02:15.040> down<00:02:15.190> over 00:02:15.390 --> 00:02:15.400 align:start position:0% escorting bombers we'd go down over 00:02:15.400 --> 00:02:17.910 align:start position:0% escorting bombers we'd go down over Germany<00:02:15.700> inflates<00:02:16.390> before<00:02:16.810> looking<00:02:17.770> for 00:02:17.910 --> 00:02:17.920 align:start position:0% Germany inflates before looking for 00:02:17.920 --> 00:02:21.060 align:start position:0% Germany inflates before looking for targets<00:02:18.130> of<00:02:18.400> opportunity<00:02:18.810> to<00:02:19.810> destroy<00:02:20.070> car 00:02:21.060 --> 00:02:21.070 align:start position:0% targets of opportunity to destroy car 00:02:21.070 --> 00:02:23.610 align:start position:0% targets of opportunity to destroy car trucks<00:02:21.430> trains<00:02:22.240> whatnot<00:02:22.750> the<00:02:22.900> de<00:02:23.020> Germans<00:02:23.440> may 00:02:23.610 --> 00:02:23.620 align:start position:0% trucks trains whatnot the de Germans may 00:02:23.620 --> 00:02:26.880 align:start position:0% trucks trains whatnot the de Germans may use<00:02:24.220> to<00:02:24.250> move<00:02:25.180> supplies<00:02:25.420> around<00:02:25.930> and<00:02:26.260> but<00:02:26.800> the 00:02:26.880 --> 00:02:26.890 align:start position:0% use to move supplies around and but the 00:02:26.890 --> 00:02:29.130 align:start position:0% use to move supplies around and but the plane<00:02:27.100> was<00:02:27.280> so<00:02:27.400> responsive<00:02:28.060> much<00:02:28.690> more<00:02:28.930> so 00:02:29.130 --> 00:02:29.140 align:start position:0% plane was so responsive much more so 00:02:29.140 --> 00:02:33.300 align:start position:0% plane was so responsive much more so than<00:02:29.320> SATA<00:02:29.620> p-47<00:02:30.580> so<00:02:31.180> uh<00:02:31.209> and<00:02:31.800> it's<00:02:32.800> just<00:02:33.160> as 00:02:33.300 --> 00:02:33.310 align:start position:0% than SATA p-47 so uh and it's just as 00:02:33.310 --> 00:02:35.880 align:start position:0% than SATA p-47 so uh and it's just as delightful